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Complete Automatic Advancement Scheme (AAS) 

AAS ( 6 years Scale) Software.PRC 2015  New


In RPS-2005, 24 years scale SPP-II restored and allowed FR-22(B) fixation those got promotion after they got 8, 16 Scales. But FR22(a)(i) pay scale fixation inevitable those who completed their 24 years of service. To get SPP-I and SPP-II scales must possess the qualifications as per the promotion post.The AAS( Automatic Advancement Scheme) was introduced in PRC-1982 . AS per this scheme, those who were not able to get in time promotion with in the period of 10 years even though they were having Promotion Qualifications and Eligibility, they were eligible get scales 10years Special Grade Post Scale and respectively SPPI Scale for those who were completed 15 years. In 1986 PRC ,allowed SPP-II scale those who completed 22years of service without promotion. In RPS-1993 new scales were introduced for the period 8, 16 ,24 years instead of 10, 15 , 22 years. Those who got AAS while in promotion they pay should be fixed in FR 22(a)(i) instead of FR22(B) .In RPS-1999 pay scales ,24 years scale was cancelled and given one additional increment in SPPI only , Those who completed their 45 years of service were exempted from passing Departmental Test as per the GO Ms NO:225 dt:18-05-1999.

If a junior got promotion after he/she availed AAS, sometimes he might get higher pay due to this when comparing with the senior. To avoid this kind of salary differences , the senior can avail Step-up facility with junior and to get equal salary. As per the new agreement with JAC the Government has taken decision to change the scales from 8, 16, 24 to 6, 12, 18, 24 Scales as per GO Ms No:96, Dt:20.05.2011. And it is force and implemented 01.02.2010.

As per this, it is allowed to get AAS those who completed 6 Years (Special Grade Post Scale), 12Years SPP-IA/SAPP-IA Scales, 18 Years SPP-IB/SAPP-IB Scales, 24 Years SPP-II/SAPPII.

1) SPECIAL GRADE POST SCALE: The individual who completed 6 years of service in the same cadre eligible to get Special Grade Post Scale and allowed new scale . 
a) SPP-IA/SAPP-IA: The employee who completed 12 years of service in the same cadre, is allowed to get new scale in the next promotion.
b) SPP-IB/SAPP-IB: The employee who completed 18 years of service tin the same cadre, is allowed to get one additional increment in the same scale SPP-IA/SAPP-IA
3) SPECIAL PROMOTION POST SCALE –II (SPP-II): The employee, who completed 24 years, as per service rules is allowed to get SPP-II, that is equal to next promotion scale. And the individual must require qualifications as per the next promotion post.

PAY FIXATION PROCESS : Pay is fixed in AAS as per FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) . Those who got promotion after 6,12,18 Scales , their pay is fixed as per FR 22 (B) but who completed 24years and got promotion their pay is fixed as per FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2). These rules and conditions were in force from 1.2.2010. If an employee completed 12,18 years scales before 1.2.2010, the scales would allowed from 1.2.2010 only. The who completed 8,16 years after 01.02.2010 must revise the scales as per 6, 12 scales which is in force. The arrears from 1.2.2010 to 31.5.2010 were adjusted to concerned PF or CPF accounts.

SGT and Equal Cadre 10900-31550 11530-33200 14860-39540 14860-39540 15280-40510
School Assitant 14860-39540 15280-40510 18030-43630 18030-43630 18030-43630
Grade - II HM 18030-43630 19050-45850 19050-45850 19050-45850 20680-46960



Revised Automatic Advancement Scheme (AAS) GO Ms No:96

The Government introduced the ,Automatic Advancement Scheme to the State Government employees and employees of Local Bodies as a substitute for those who are entitled to get promotions, but are unable to get them at regular intervals because of stagnation due to non-availability of vacancies. According to this Scheme, every employee after a service of ten years in a particular scale shall be eligible for the next higher scale, called Special Grade Post Scale. A Government Employee who completes a period of 15 years in a particular scale shall be eligible for promotion scale called Special Temporary Promotion Scale. The fixation of pay on appointment to the posts under Automatic Advancement Scheme shall be in relaxation of relevant provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Fundamental Rules. The employees upto XVIII Grade in RPS 1978 were eligible for this scheme. In Govt.Memo.No.41086-202/PRC I/81–1 Fin & Plg. (FW PRC.I) Dept., dt.31.12.1981, it was clarified that the appointment to the Special Grade Post / Special Temporary Promotion Post / Special Adhoc Promotion Post is not a promotion to a higher post involving higher duties and responsibilities of higher post. The Government in G.O.Ms.No.266 G.A (Ser.A) Dept., dt.25.05.1981 made an Adhoc rule to the above extent. The Scheme was further extended to Teachers working in Government, Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Zilla Parishads and Panchayath Samithis and also Aided Institutions in the G.O. second read above.

Automatic Advancement Scheme as recommended by the Pay Revision Commission 1986 to the employees drawing pay upto Grade XVIII in the Revised Pay Scales 1986 and also introduced another level of Advancement af ter completion of 22 years of service by assigning second level promotion post scale/ next higher scale to the holders of SPP I/ SAPP I Scale as the case may be. In the G.O. 5 th read above, orders were issued modifying the Scheme as recommended by the Pay Revision Commission 1993. According to these orders, the Scheme was modified by allowing Automatic Advancement Grades on completion of 8,16 and 24 years of service instead of 10, 15 and 22 years of service. It was also ordere d for fixation of pay under F.R. 22(a) (i) on promotion to regular post after availing the benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme instead of fixation under F.R.22- B as ordered in G.O.Ms.No.2 Fin & Plg (PRC.I) Dept., dated 04.01.1988 and also discontinued the SPP-II Scale (Second level promotion scale) on completion of 24 years in a post, instead it was ordered that employees who completed 24 years of service shall be allowed one increment in the SPP-I scale only.

The Government based on the recomme ndations of Pay Revision Commission 1999 issued orders in the G.O. 8 continuing the Scheme as recommended by the Pay Revision Commission 1993 and also exempting those employees who crossed 45 years of age from passing the Depa rtmental tests, for appointment to the first level promotion post on the same conditions as were prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.225 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., dated 18.05.1999.

Based on the recommendations of the Eighth Pay Revi sion Commission 2003, orders were issued reintroducing the fixation of pay under F. R. 22-B on promotion after availing the benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme and also modifying the orders issued sanctioning one increment in the existing scales of SPP-II/SAPP-II post scale by reintroducing the SPP-II/SAPP-II Scales on completion of 24 years which is the next promotion post to the first level promotion post. It was also clearly ordered that in the case of an employee holding a post for which there is no promotion post under the relevant Service Rules, he s hould be eligible to be placed on completion of 24 years of service, in the scale of pay, next above the scale applicable to Spl.Adhoc Promotion Post Scale.I.

On the recommendations of Ninth Pay Revision Commission, the Government issued orders in G.O.Ms.No.93 Finance (PC.II) Dept., dated 03.04.2010, modifying the earlier orders issued by extending the Scheme to the employees upto and inclusive of Grade XXV in the Revised Scale (i.e.) Rs.25600-50560 as against the scales of pay upto under Grade XXI. It was also ordered for fixation of pay under FR 22-B for those employees who are promoted after availing the benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme and if the above fixati on results in, the senior drawing less pay than that of junior, the pay of the senior shall be stepped up w.e.f. the date of promotion of the junior to a figure equal to the pay fixed for the junior in the higher post to which he/she is promoted on or after 01.07.2008, subject to the conditions laid down therein, with moneta ry benefit from 01.02.2010. Further, Government also ordered that if the Service Rules are ch anged imposing additional qualifications, for promotion after the entry of the individual into service, he shall be allowed the benefit of the next scale contemplat ed under Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale instead of denying the benefit of promotion and conse quently the benefit of SPP-I/SPP-II Scales. Those who benefited from this dispensation cannot claim the bene fit of SPP-I or II even if they acquire the necessary qualification at a later date.

Subsequently, the Joint Action Committee of Employees, Workers and Teachers, Andhra Pradesh represented for change of periodicity of the Scheme as 6/12/18/24 years of service from the existing provision 8/16/24 years under Automatic Advancement Scheme . Based on the agreement reached between the Joint Action Committee of the employees in the reference 13 th read above, Government have agreed for the change of periodici ty from the existing 8/16/24 to 6/12/18/24 years, for appointments under the Automatic Advancement Scheme.

SGT and Equal Cadre 10900-31550 11530-33200 14860-39540 14860-39540 15280-40510
School Assitant 14860-39540 15280-40510 18030-43630 18030-43630 18030-43630
Grade - II HM 18030-43630 19050-45850 19050-45850 19050-45850 20680-46960

The employees after availing the benefit of SPP II are not eligible for the Automatic Advancement Scheme on their further promotions.

The service that is to be reckoned fo r the purpose of appointment to Automatic Advancement Scheme is as spelt out in Govt .Memo.No.11 th read above.

All the conditions laid down, clarificator y orders and instructions issued from time to time so far as they are in consonance with these orders shall continue to be in force.

These orders shall be applicable to the Government employees, teaching and Non-teaching staff of Local Bodies and Ai ded Institutions drawing State Pay Scales and drawing the pay in Grade-I to XXV in the Revised Scales, 2010 i.e.upto 25,600 – 50,560.

These orders will come into force w.e.f. 01.02.2010. The arrears of pay fixations under this new scheme fro m 01.02.2010 to 31.05.2011 shall be credited to the respective General Provident Fund Acc ount of the employees concerned. In respect of those employees who do not ha ve General Provident Fund Account and governed by the Contributory Pension Sc heme, the arrears for the period from 01.02.2010 to 31.05.2011 shall be credited to Compulsory Savings Fund, under the following Head of Account - 1. Small Savi ngs, Provident Funds etc., (b) Provident Funds, 8009 - State Provident Funds, 01-Civil, M.H.101-General Provident Funds, SH(03) ‘Compulsory Savings Sc heme’ under “Public Accounts”.

The Special Grade Scales in the Revi sed Pay Scales, 2010 are as indicated in Annexure-I. Automatic Adva ncement Scheme benefits fo r the categories of Last Grade Posts, Record Assistants, Roneo Op erators, Drivers are indicated in the Annexure II.

Any pay fixations contrary to the above Rules are liable for revision of pay and the excess amount paid thereon shall be recovered from the salaries of the employees concerned without any notice.