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 Memo.A4/706/2013 Dated  /4/2013 Funds Released to Zero enrolment Schools during 2012-13. 
 Rc.537 18 Apr -Closure of Alternative Schools and satellite schools by 23rd Apr. 
 Rc.5730 18th Apr-Re-Engaging the CRPs, MIS Coordinators, Part Time Instructors, IERTs - Guidelines 
 List of Schools without Sanction of Teacher Posts in PDF & Excel Formats 
 Rc.53,Dt:21-04-13-Inter District Transfers spouse grounds and mutual grounds transfers of teachers. 
 RC.246 Dt.16.04.2013 Payment of Data Entry for MIS Portal. 
 RC.293 Dt.15.04.2013 Supply of Computers, Softwares and other Items to MRCs 
 RC.512 Dt.16.04.2013 Collection of Sample Uniform Cloth by State Level Officers. 
 RC.512 Dt.16.04.2013 Procurement of Uniform Cloth from APCO Information Called 
 Rc.111 Dt 9.4.13 - Teacher Should submit their Address during summer Vacation. 
 RC.484 - Collection & Data entry of Student Aadhar UDISE Profile - Details.
 Rc.K2/370 : Time Scale to Tribal Welfare DSC - 2012 - Clarification .
 Circular.14 Dt.12.03.2013 Bi-cycles to Muslim Minority VII Class Girls.
 RC.185/MDM/2012 Dt. 6th Apr-Rs.500 from School Maintenance Grants for Maintenance of Toilets by CCH. 
 Rc.100/MDM/2013 Dt. 6th Apr-Serve MDM at 11am in Schools during Half Day Schools . 
 RC.138 - Teachers Dress Codes and Mobile usage in Class Rooms - Instructions. 
 RC.755 Dt.03.04.2013 School Monitoring by State Sectoral Officers from 8th-10th Apr . 
 Circular.No.A3/1256,Dt.3.4.13 - Conducting of verification of accounts of POs,MRCs,SMCs in the State.
 RC.172/D3 Apr 2nd - Tchers Step Up - DSE instructions to prepare Subject Wise Seniority Lists.
 Rc.22/B2 - Aided Teachers Can Encash Half Pay Leave at Retirement Time.
 RC.71, Dt.25.03.13 -RMSA School Annual Grants for 2012-13.
 RC.2974 Dt.20.03.2013 Aided Notional Increments Copy Communicated to RJD,DEOs.
 Electricity Charges Revised Tariffs for 2013-14
 RC.9/E1,DT.30-3-13 - SSC Exams Centers Compensatory Holidays Decision to Dist. Collectors.
 RC.5730, DT.30-3-13 - Continue VVs Upto 23rd April in certain UP Schools where needed.
 Rc.679 - Conduct Orientation Training to CRPs, in order to conduct training to SMC Members
 Rc.512/RVM, dt:25.3.13 and GO.24, dt:22.3.13 - Procure Uniforms from APCO.
 RC.NO.113, Dt:19.03.13 - Rationalization as per U-DISE - RePosting / Redeploying DSC - 2012 Teachers.
 Cir.267 Dt:15.03.13 - Procurement of Book Shelves for UP level Schools.
 Half day Schools during summer from 15.03.2013 - C&DSE Latest Instructions about SSC Exam Centres.
 RC.NO.9/E1-1/2012 DT:14MAR - Half Day Schools from 15th March 2013 From 8AM to 12.30PM.
 RC.2903 Dt.27.02.2013 Tribal Welfare HC Interim Order Implementation.
 Rc.1069 - Aided Secondary 4th Quarter Salaries Budget Released & Annexures.
 Rc.755, Dt.11.03.2013 - Monitoring Schools by State Teams - Guidelines
 Memo.4944 Dt.06.03.2013 Special Drive for UC Collection and Verification.
 Memo.2557 Dt.20.02.2013 Updation of CPS Subscriptions from DOJ
 Lr.No.14, Mar 7th - RVM Providing Bicycles to Muslim Minority Girl students in Govt Schools
 RC.2038/C1/SSC Dt: 04.03.13 - Sanction of Earned Leaves for APOSS Exams in Summer - 2012.
 MEMO.NO.M1/2143/2013, Dt;02.03.13 - DTA Clarification to DTOs to Admit the Salary Bills of DSC-2012 Teachers.
 RC.6921 Dt:1-3-2013 DSC-2012 Pay Scales Instructions.
 RC.6921 DT:1-3-2013 DSC-2012 Pay Scales Instructions.
 Rc.No.172/D3-1, Dt:23.02.12 - Instructions on Step-Up of Pay for Teachers.
 I.TAX: NO.CIT - 14/TDS, 14.02.13 - Instructions on HRA While Calculating Income Tax.
 RC.5730 Dt: 14.02.13 Termination Of Services of VVs, MIS, CRPs, IERTs Data Entry Operators.
 RC.126, Dt:16Th Feb - Strike Notice MDM Workers Association on 20,21st - Alternate Arrangements.
 RC.512/C2 Dt: 7.11.12 Guidelines For Uniforms For 2012-13.
 RC.655, Dt:12.02.13 - Guidelines On Conducting One Day Training to SMC Members on RTE Act.
 RC.367 DT:11-2-2013 - Teacher Training Teams Engaging Team Members.
 RC.211 Dt:13-2-2013 Conducting Activities Based on "MEENA PRAPANCHAM" Radio Programme between 20th Feb - 20th Mar .
 RC6921, Dt:09.02.13 - DSE Instructions on Allowing Pay Scales to DSC - 2012 Teachers.
 RC.393, Dt:11.02.13- Cancellation of Primary School Complexes Scheduled on 12Th,13Th Feb.
 Memo.509 Dt:08.02.13 - Regular Time Scale to DSC-2012 Teachers.
 RC.393,Dt:05-02-2013, Primary Schools February Month School Complexes on 12th & 13th.
 Memo.258, Dt.29.01.2013 - Special CL on 21st Feb to Bonafied Voters of MLC Constituencies.
 RC.213,DT:1-2-2013, Instructions to CRPs, TA for CRPs
 RC.677 Dt.31.01.2013 Proposals For Strengthening Primary Schools 100 above Enrollment.
 RC.NO:746 DT:30.01.2013 - Celebration of School Annual Day in All schools & Release of Grants.
 RC.NO:834 DT:19.01.2013 - No further FAC Charges to SAs, Gz.HM to the Post of Dy.EOs & MEOs.
 RC.61,Dt.23.01.13 Guidelines for HMs on SSC 2013 on MNRs Salaries.
 RC.1041 Release of Aided Primary Teachers 4th Quarter Salaries.
 RC.81 Dt 11.01.2013 - Complete Details about Assessment of Achievement levels of Children by CRPs, VVs.
 RC.815 Dt 01.09.1999 Certain Instructions on Attend on Suffix and Prefix of Holidays.
 RC.132,Dt:17.01.2013-PS/UP HMs Can Buy any Approved Books From School Grant of 2012-13.
 RC.57 dt 10.01.2013 Inclusive Education Activities.
 CIRCULAR.878 Dt:07.01.2013 Instructions on Utilize Unspent Balance.
 RC.574 Community Mobilizers Appointment in High OSC Low Retention Habitations.
 RC.527 Teleconference to MEOs, CRPs & DPO Dtaff on 10th Jan.
 RC.527,Dt:1-1-2013, 5th School Complex Meeting on 9th, 10th ( It may be changed).
 RC.1069 Release of Aided Teachers 3rd Quarter Salaries.
 RC.2974 & Memo:23864 Dt 02.01.2012 Sanctioning 2 Notional Increments to Lecturers Who Worked Earlier as Apprentice Teachers.
 Memo.1607, Dec 26 - Instructions on Construction / Repair to Toilets in PS,UPS, HS to Make them Functional.
 RC.81 dt 22.12.2012 Developing Tools for Test Achievement in UP, Primary, HS.
 Memo No. 29978 dt 20.12.2012 Rule of Reservation for DSC-2012 Recruitment
 Book Shelves and Iron Rock Specifications to be Supplied to Schools
 RC.365, Dt:18.12.12 Providing Sports Material to Upper Primary Schools in The State.
 SSC Exam Fee Extension Upto Jan 3rd Under Tatkal Scheme with a Late Fee of Rs.1000/-
 Rc.54/D1, Dt:11.12.12, Monthly Promotion with Regard to DSC 2012 Appointments.
 RC.677, HABITATION PLAN (AWP & B) 2013-14.
 RC.726, 6th DEC, December Month (4Th)Primary School Complex on DEC 12th, 13th.
 RC.6 DT.01-12-2012 Re-Submission of Pending Bills upto 31-5-2012 Of 45 B.C. Residential Schools.
 Rc.574 Dt:05-12-2012 Training to Anganwadi workers to Find CWSN and OSC Children.
 Pongal Holidays From 11-20TH Jan, Half Yearly Exams From 4-10th Jan, RC.9/E1 DT:5-12-2012
 R.c.1863 dt:24-11-12 DSC - 12 Schedule
 SSC Exams March 2013 Detailed Schedule
 Guidelines and timeline on Anganwadi Workers Survey on CWSN & Out of School Children
 R.c.726, School Complex Revised Dates NOV 27 & DEC 3rd.
 R.c.1284, DSE Clarified to Follow Rule 22(2)(a) Regarding Filling of Gz.HM Posts with SC, ST Candidates.
 RC.726, Dt:17.11.12, 3rd School Complex Meetings for PS teachers on 27 & 28th Nov. || Agenda
 RC.450, Worshop on Summative-2Q.PAPERS(I-VIII) || RC.142, Training to Divisional Level Monitoring Teams(E,M & Sci)
 Memo.1256 Dt:15th November Collecting SMC, CRC, MRC,A/C Details on Monthly basis
 RC.211,Dt:30.10.12- Conduct of Meena Vedika Competition to children at Skul level & prizes on Nov 14th.
 RC.211,Dt:26.10.12- Implementation and Monitoring of Meena Prapancham & Meena prapancham monitoring check list
RC.755,Dt:26.10.12- State Team Visits Schedule, Team members details
RC.149 SSC- 2013 - SSC Nominal Rolls ICR Submissions Revised Scheduled
Rc.537 Instructions to DEOs, POs on Additional Class Rooms
RC. 470 Inter District Transfers - G.O. Copy Communication to D.E.Os
RC.142 Dt: 04.10.12 Social & Hindi Subject Training to U.P level Teachers
Rc.450 Oct 3rd - Summative, Formative Question Papers by DCEBs, Sum-1 from 29 Oct
 Memo.A3/1256 Senior Head Masters are attached drawing Powers Jointly with MEO in place of MRPs
D.O.Lr.No.557 - SMCs should be given freedom for Utilization of School Grants
 Cir.No.Misc/SSA Sep24th - Organizing events on the Eve of Children Day on Nov 14th
Rc.6244 Sep22nd - Hike in MRC, DPO messengers salary to Rs.6000/- w.e.f. 1st Oct 2012
 Rc.3843 Implement Municipal Teachers Notional Increments w.e.f.1.4.2009- GO.348 Immediately
Rc.746 - Attending School Prayer by School Management Committee Members daily
Rc.702 - Submitting Visit reports through Online by Mandal, District Level Officers
 Rc.346 State Teams monitoring visits in Certain Districts - between 24-27th Sep
Rc.3782 Enrolment of Balance Out of School children
 Rc.527 September Month Primary School Complexes Timetable and Agenda
 Rc.484 Sep 15th DISE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2012-13
Memo.9440 DTA Clarifications on awarding SPP-IB to the Teachers not qualified to get SPP-II
Rc.54-D1-Follow Tribunal Orders on SA Languages Promotions
 Tribunal Order Copy on "Promotions to SA Lang Posts should be by Common seniority of LPs and SGTs"
 Rc.142 Dated 8May - SPD Permission to POs/DEOs to preserve ELs for RVM Summer Trainings June 2012
Rc.233 Instructions on Escort Allowance to CWSN children @Rs.250 per month
DSE Rc.1063 MDM - Eggs Twice a Week in MDM Menu and HM is responsible for monitoring the Agencies
Rc.476 KGBV Teachers Training program in September and October
Rc.310 Proposals invited for requirement of VVs in High Schools
Rc.482 Instructions on Conducting School Complexes and formation of Academic Monitoring Committees
Rc.368 Conduct SMC meeting on 5th Sep to Honour Best Teachers in Schools
Rc.310 Aug 30 Engaging 1 Additional VV in Primary Schools with Strength 101-120
Rc.310 & List of Tchrs Selected for State Awards, National Foundation For Teachers Welfare, National Awards
Rc.26 Engaging Part time instructions in Art,Work,PE and Health Edn in UP, High Schools
Rc.367 27August - Relieve all MRPs on 31st August to Join in their Schools
Rc.2 Introduction of BIO METRIC ATTENDANCE SYSTEM in APRI Schools
Rc.111- 15 Days Computer Training to 5 SGTs from UP Schools to act as RPs for CAL Comp Trng
Cir.No.5730 Modification of Guidelines for appointment of MIS Cordinators
Rc.463 SPD Instructions on Implementing LEP, evaluation as per CCE, READ Prog, Monotorings etc
Rc.309-Starting ECE Centers in the Schools for 2012-13 where Anganwadi Centers not available
Rc.415-The Eight School Complexes agenda items for the year 2012-13
 Rc.450-State Level Workshop on Development of Base line and Summative Test papers from 13-16Aug
Rc.1135 RMSA- Stop procurement of Science and Maths Kit by NCERT empanneled by suppliers
Rc.850 DSE-Submit Proposals for UP upgradation along with Certificate to be submitted
MEENA RADIO PROGRAM TELECONFERENCE---[Proceedings Rc.211 Click]---[Monitoring Format]
Memo no.26559 SC ST Teachers are not eligible to do MSc with full pay
Single Progress Report Book for I-V Class along with Study Certificate for Completion of Primary Edn
Rc.70 SCERT -Clarifications on conducting 1st Unit Test in CCE MOdel
Rc.Spl/KGBV-Financial Norms and Guidelines for Implementation in KGBVs for 2012-13
 MEMO.947 Ramzan-Permission to Muslim Employees to leave their offices at 4pm
Rc.365 Procurement of Sports and Games Material for UP schools-Revised orders
Rc.240 MDM inspections - Instructions
Rc.3137 July 13th - Transfers places to be filled by promotions - Instructions
Memo.No.13727 MRPs on Outsourcing Basis-along with Reference GOs-Click
Rc.201 - Schools Timings during the Month of Ramzan form 21July to 20August
 Rc.367 Dated 9th July- Continue 3years Completed MRPs till 31August
Endt.M1/1438 -DTA Communicated the Govt Memo.14377 to all DTOs on DSC 08 Notional Increments
 Rc.3137 Dated July 5th DSE Instructions on Court cases to DEOs on transfers
Rc.13995-Permission for Transfers for Teachers working within the Municipality/Corporation
 Rc.3137 Dated 2July -DSE -7 Points Clarifications on Transfers 2012
Rc.415 School Compled HMs and Asst Secretaries Training Program Details
 Rc.310 -Engagement of VVs in Remote Mandals, Urdu Schools - Relaxation of Qualifications
MEMO.14877 Dated 25June -Sanctioning of Two Notional Increments to DSC 08 Teachers-Directions to DTA
 Rc.1292 Dated 27June-MEO Transfers-as per GO.146-20% of Cadre Strength not on Working Strength
 Lr.Rc.No.70 RTE ACT 2009 & APSCF 2011 - Undertaking Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Reforms Reg
 Rc.1292 16th June -MEOs Transfers Guidelines
Rc.3137 16June Teachers Transfers Schedule and Guidelines by DSE
Memo.462 Dated 15th June - Procure School Toilets Materials by SMCs from School Maintenence Grants
Memo.A3/1256 SMC Accounts drawing powers in the Name of HMs and Senior Teacher of the School
Rc.31/E1-1/2011 Dated 7June - Reopening of Schools on 13June in Bye Election Districts
Rc.K2-5278 Transfers Schedule for Tribal Welfare Teachers
Rc.142 dated 9May - RVM Teacher Trainings for 2012-13 - Unit Costs for All Trainings
Lr.No.1039 Dated 7May -Upgradation of Physical Education Teachers working in High Schools
Lr.No.3363 -Clarification on 2 Notional Increments to Teachers completed 2 years service after 1.4.09
Rc.132 dated 16May - SSC Advanced Supplmentary Exams duty to HS HMs and Non teaching Staff
Rc.310 dated 17May - Requirement of VVs for 2012-13 in PS,UPS and UP Sec of HS
Rc.638 Dated 17.5.12 - Enhancement of DATA Entry Operators Remuneration at MRCs and DPOs of RVM
Rc.2409/D2-2..DSE instructions to DEO's and RJD'S on APAT orders regarding GO.610
Rc.628 Dated 24Aprl-Continuing 3years Completed MRPs temporarily till 30June- Various Programs of RVM
Memo No.5465 Dt 14/3/12 - Stepping of Senior with Junior after availing AAS and FR22B-Clarifications
Teachers Trainings in June 2012 Guidelines and Schedule
Rc.212 KGBV CRTs are eligible for 120 days Maternity Leave without paying remuneration
Teachers Trainings in June 2012 Guidelines and Schedule
Rc.21542 - Creation of 440 Additional SA Posts under RMSA for Municipal Adm Schools
Rc.150/MDM Dated 22/3 MDM for SSC Centered Schools should be served before/at 9am
Click on Proc. No./Memo No. to Download

No. Date Description
Memo No. M2/18660/2006 18/02/2011 Income Tax Clarifications to DTOs - Additional Commissioner of income tax

Memo No. M2/18660/2006 18/02/2011 Director of Treasuries
Proc.RC.No.6240/RVM/B2/2010 05/02/2011 The State Project Director, Rajiv Vidya Mission has directed the DEOs & POs to sanction C.C.L to the Teachers who have attended training programme conducted during 8th to 12th January 2011 based on the attendanace certificate issued by the Course Director concerned

Memo No.14568-A/63/PC-I/A-2/2010 31/01/2011 PUBLIC SERVICES – Recommendations of Ninth Pay Revision Commission – Payment of Dearness Allowance during the period of Leave on Half Pay – Clarification
Rc.No.48857/D2-3/2010 22/12/2010 DSE Modified orders - Spl. Vidya Volunteers are not eligible to open GPF A/C s as they have been regular scales w.e.f. 26.10.2005, as per, Edn (Ser.V) Dept., dt.26.10.2005 Opening of Provident Fund A/c to DSC 2002

RC.No.488571D2-3/2010 20/12/2010 Open the GPF accounts to the teachers or Spl Vidya Volunteers those who appointed in October 2002 DSC and also to the SGT/LP's appointed in earlier DSC's,

appointed subsequently as SAl Grade-1 pandits in DSC 2002

Memo No.29300.D/175/ PC-I/A2/2010 03/12/2010 G.O.Ms.No.52, Finance(PC-I)Department, Dated: 25.02.2010 is not applicable to the Pay Fixations of the Employees under Automatic Advancement Scheme, vide Memo No.29300.D/175/ PC-I/A2/2010, dt.03.12.2010

Rc.No. 1827/C3-2/2009 25/11/2010 APES – FAC Arrangements to the post of HMs/MEOs –sanction of FAC allowance @ 1/5th of pay – Powers delegated to the RJDSEs in the State
Rc.No.1593/D2-1/2010 29/10/2010 School Education – Request for clarification regarding seniority of teachers who are elected in DSC-2003 and joined as SAs on 25/11/2005 and teachers who got promotion on 22/10/2005 and joined on 03/03/2006 as SAs – Clarification
Rc.No.4365/D2-1/2010 28/10/2010 School Education - Promotions – Dereservation in promotions to the post of SAs
Lr.No.2070/CC-2011/2009 25/10/2010 Census Director request - Director of School Education to preserve the Earned Leave for Teachers drafted as Enumerators & Supervisors for Census Work during 26.4.10 to 10.6.10, as per G.O.Ms.No.35,Education(II)Department,dt.16.1.1981

Proc.Rc.No.174/E1-1/2010 22/10/2010 School Education - Election - Census 2010 - Sanctioning E.L.s in Summer Vacation to teachers
Rc.No.8878/(D3-4)MBI-12010 12/10/2010 School Education Department - Medical Attendance-Medical Reimbursement proposals in respect of Teachers/HM's & other employees of Education Department-Certain Instructions

Rc.No.1570/C3-2/2010 01/10/2010 DSC-2008 – Permission to rationalize the vacant posts of SGTs in Primary and Upper Primary Schools (Govt/ZP/MP) to complete the DSC-2008 recruitment process–Information called for–Reg.
Rc.No.4365/D2-1/2010 28/09/2010 School Education – Promotions – ‘D’ reservation in promotions to the post of SAs
Memo No. M1/12102/2010 20/09/2010 RPS-2010 - stepping up of the pay in respect of teachers - admitting bills in RPS-2010 by the Treasury - fixed by the D.D.O while verifying the Seniority List Subject wise and Service Books of the both Senior and Junior - instructions
RC.No.2265/D2-1/2010 02/09/2010 The Director of School Education, Hyderabad vide his Proc.RC.No.2265/D2-1/2010,dt.02.09.2010,has clarified that the District Educational Officer (DEO) is the Appointing Authority as per G.O.Ms.No.12, Edn.,dt.23.01.2009. Hence, DEOs can give Service Regularization Proceedings to Z.P.P. & M.P.P. Teachers. The Director further instructed the DEOs to regularize the Services of the Teachers as per rules in force
Rc.No. 766/C3-1/2010 05/09/2010 School Education – Conducting of counseling for promotions to category of H.Ms., S.A.s., L.P.S and P.E.T.s, P.Ds , LFL HM’s -Schedule
Memo No.12254/1331PC-II/2010 30/08/2010 Stepup powers to HMs/MEOs - Instructions-Director of Treasuries, Hyderabad to take action as per delegation of Powers ordered in G.O. Ms.No.40,Edn.,(Ser.V) Dept.,Dated: 07.05.2002-Regarding STEP UP of Pay
Proc.RC.No.3186/D1-3/2010 20/08/2010 Providing Subject Teachers upto to March,2011 to the needy Schools for improving SSC results 2010-11 - Certain instructions
Rc.No. 2091/D2-1/2010 21/07/2010 School Education - Increments - Leap Year - Regulation of increment dates in leap year - Certain instruction
Rc.No.174/E1-1/2010 01/07/2010 School Education–Conduct of Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2010 – Instructions issued to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical Staff and Office Sub-ordinates to be present during summer Vacation
Memo No. 8663/Ser.I/2010 01/07/2010 School Education – Demand for counting of two (2) years apprentice period of teachers for the purpose of sanction of Notional Increments – Payment of arrears – Clarification
Promotions June-2010 Clarifications 22/06/2010 Director of School Education, Hyderabad has issued different Clarifications on issues arised for Promotions June-2010.Rc.No.766/C3-1/2010 Dated:22/06/2010,

Rc. No. 766/C3-1/2010 Dated. 23/06/2010,

Rc.No.766/C3-1/2010 Dated:23/06/2010,

Rc.No.2401/D1-3-Prom.Clari/10, Dated: 24/06/2010,

Rc. No. 766/C3-1/2010 Dated.24/06/2010
Cir.Memo.No.15744-C/324/FR.I/2010 15/06/2010 Earned Leave – Surrender of Earned Leave - Encashment during the financial year 2010-2011 – Instructions
Rc.No.174/EI-1/2010 11/05/2010 School Education – Conduct of Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2010 – Instructions to be issued to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical Staff and Office Sub-ordinates to be present during summer Vacation
Rc.No. 87/B–2/2010 22/04/2010 School Education–Conduct of Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2010 – Instructions issued to all the Heads of Schools including Clerical Staff and Office Sub-ordinates to be present during summer Vacation
Memo No.M1/3768/2010 28/04/2010 Director of Treasuries, A.P., Hyderabad Instruction to all the Treasury Officers to admit the PRC 2010 bills-P&S–Revision of Pay Scales Under RPS 2010
Proc.Rc.No.5968/D1-3/2009 12/03/2010 S.E. Dept. Teacher Services–Sanction of long leave/permission to allow in duty on return from absence/leave–certain instructions
Memo.No.20214/PE-Ser.I/2009 04/01/2010 Elections–Drafting of teaching staff for Election related work duringthe summer or any vacation–Preservation of E.L. as per the provision of FR 82 to the teachers working in Election related work
Memo No.641/SE.Ser.I.2/2009 11/11/2009 Sanction of 2 Notional Increments for the period of apprenticeship-extension of the benefit to the teachers working in Muncipal Schools, Tribal welfare management schools, Aided School teachers & Special vidya volunteers-clarification
Rc.No.343/RMSA/2010 11/02/2010 Rajiv Madyamika Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)-Trainings to Secondary School teachers in April/May 2010-Schedule & Guidelines of Trainings
Rc.No.9/D1-3/2009 23/01/2010 School Education-Certificates obtained from universities of Vinayaka Mission University or Vinayaka Mission & Research

Foundation, JRN Vidyapeth, Rajasthan, IASE, Rajasthan-Certain

Memo No.13703/SE.Ser.III/07 19/11/2009 Inter District Transfers of teachers of various categories working in Govt.,/ZPP/MPP on Mutual Grounds
Rc.No.3383/D1-2/2009 19/11/2009 Inter District Mutual Transfers-Final Orders
Memo.No.D2/10393/08 10/11/2009 Treasuries and Accounts-Pensions-CPS(NPS)-Subsribers Registration-Instructions to all DDOs
Rc.No. 6939/D2-1/2009 09/11/2009 Redeployment of LFL HMs to needy schools-Guidelines & Orders
Rc.No.61/C3-1/2003 06/11/2009 Andhra Pradesh Educational Service-Keeping full Additional charge to the vacant post of Mandal Educational Officer(M.E.O.)-Revised Orders
Rc.No.6796/Spl.AD(C)/09 04/11/2009 Withdrawal of Services of Mandal Literacy Organisors from Adult Education Department to School Education Department
Rc.No.4001/D1-3/2007 19/10/2009 Relieving of SGTs / Language Pandits and allied posts selected as Group II Officers through APPSC and selected as School Assistants & equivalent posts in DSC-2008–Certain instructions
Rc.No. 8878/D3-4/2009 02/09/2009 Medical Attendance-Medical Reimbursement Proposals in respect of Teachers/HMs and other employees of Edn. Department-Instructions
Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009 13/08/2009 School Education–Teachers Transfers counseling 2009–Additional entitlement points for Gr. II Language Pandits and PETs
Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009 05/08/2009 School Education–Teachers Transfers counseling 2009–Additional entitlement points for Gr. II Language Pandits and PETs
Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009 04/08/2009 School Education–Teachers Transfer Counseling 2009–Continuation of the Teachers Transfers Counseling from where it is stopped–Certain instructions
Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009 04/08/2009 PRESS NOTE BY Commissioner & Director of School Education A.P.
Govt. Memo. No. 13051/SE.Ser.III-1/2009-1 23/07/2009 School Education – Teachers Transfers counseling 2009 – Additional entitlement points for SGTs
Rc.No.477/VE-1/2009 22/07/2009 School Education Department-Up gradation of 1500 language pandit posts to that of school Assistant (Languages) and another 500 PET posts as School Assistant(Phy. Edn.) in SUCCESS schools- Administrative sanction
Memo.1671/D1-3/2009 20/07/2009 Spl Leave Petition in Supreme court on Unified Service Rules
Memo.1671/D1-3/2009-I 17/07/2009 Transfers Postings of Non-tribals to schedule Areas-Clarifications
Memo.8450/Ser.V/2009 17/07/2009 Transfers Postings of Non-tribals to schedule Areas-Clarifications
Memo.8450/ser.v/2009 17/07/2009 Teachers Transfers APAT on OA No.7956/09-Clarifications
CTWs Memo 15/07/2009 Transfers and Postings by couseling to the posts of teachers in TW Ashram, Tribal Welfare, Primary GVVK & posts of HW Officer in TW Hostels in Tribal Welfare Dept.-Instructions 15/07/2009 Rule of Reservation for promotion to the teacher posts in the scheduled areas in favour of local STs-Clarifications 15/07/2009 Rule of Reservation for promotion to the teacher posts in the scheduled areas in favour of local STs-Clarifications
Memo 14/07/2009 Transfers and Postings by couseling to the posts of teachers in TW Ashram, Tribal Welfare, Primary GVVK & posts of HW Officer in TW Hostels in Tribal Welfare Dept.-Instructions-Postings of Male PETs of below 50 years in Girls Institutions
Rc.No.3933/D2-1/2009 06/07/2009 Promotions-Request for consideration of the teachers completed M.A.(Edn.,) from Andhra University as eligible for promotions
Memo No.3106 04/07/2009 APSES–Promotions–Request for consideration of the teachers completed M.A.(Edn.,) from Andhra University, as eligible for promotions
Rc. No. 477/VE-1/2009 02/07/2009 Up gradation of 1500 language pandit posts to that of school Assistant (Languages) and another 500 PET posts as School Assistant (Phy. Edn.) in SUCCESS schools–Identification of the posts
Rc. No.477/VE-1/2009 02/07/2009 Up gradation of 1500 language pandit posts to that of school Assistant(Languages) and another 500 PET posts as School Assistant (Phy. Edn.) in SUCCESS schools–Identification of the posts
Rc.No.K2/5468/2009 22/06/2009 Transfer-Counseling to the posts of Teachers in TW Ashram Schools, Tribal welfare, Primary Schools (Erstwhile GVVK Schools) & post of HW offsicer in TW Hostels in Tribal Welfare Dept.-Preliminary arrangemnets for conseling-instructions
No. 2009945/2009/OP1 20/06/2009 Relaxation-Muncipal Teachers & Employees Transfers approval-Instructions & Application for Transfer in persuance of G.O.Ms. No.169 Finance Dept., Dated: 17/06/2009
RC.No.10/PTC.Cell/2009 15/06/2009 Transfer of Teachers/HMs Gr-II-Certain additional Instructions-for arriving at the places of vacancies for the proposed transfer counseling(Longstanding)
RC.No.10/PTC.Cell/2009 15/06/2009 Transfer of Teachers/HMs Gr-II-Certain additional Instructions-for arriving at the places of vacancies for the proposed transfer counseling(Longstanding)
Rc.No.10/PTCCell/2009 15/06/2009 Transfer of Teachers/HM Gr-II -Advance Action-Certain Intsructions
Rc.No.09/D1/D2/(PTC)/2009 08/06/2009 Promotion Counseling of Teachers during the month of January/February 2009–Verification of Genuineness of Certificates Submitted by the Teachers–revised instructions& Affidavit
No.13703 06/06/2009 Inter District Transfer of Teachers OF Zilla Parishad/MPP Schools on the spousegrounds and on Mutual Grounds
No.13703 06/06/2009 Ref 1. O.U.Note.No.1202/SPF-A/84-1 GA(SPF)Dept, Dt: 2009-10-1984
No.13703 06/06/2009 Ref 2. O.U.Note No.97462/MC/2004-62, GA (MC) Dept, Dt: 14-03-2007
Rc.No. 153/E1-1/2009 01/05/2009 Absenteeism among teachers-Actual number of teachersworking schools-particulars called
Memo No. 2562/Elecs.C/A2/2009-1 13/04/2009 Modified Election Rates to Polling Staff
Rc.No.02/PTC-CELL/2009 09/04/2009 Promoted Teachers-Join in New Stations-Instructions
Rc. No. 02/PTC-CELL/2009 09/04/2009 Promotions-Join in New Stations
Rc No.02 19/02/2009 Transfers of SGTs From Success Schools
Rc No.02 19/02/2009 A.P.A.T. Interim Directions to Promotees
Govt. Memo 18454 07/02/2009 Instructions to Promoties
Rc No.02/PTC/2009 07/02/2009 Instructions to Promoties
Rc No. 2 05/02/2009 PSHM Promotions Councelling
Rc No. 2 04/02/2009 All Promoties work at Old Places
Model Proceedings, Clarifications & Court Cases 28/01/2009 Model Proceedings, Declarations, Court Cases released on Promotions
Transfers Application Form 28/01/2009 Application form for Transfer of HeadMaster Gr-II, Gazetted & Teachers working in Govt/ZPP/MPP Schools
Memo No.1654 28/01/2009 Minimum Service Exemption for promotion to SC/ST Candidates


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